안녕하세요, 서울에서 팀블루스 프렌즈입니다.
지난주에 이곳에서는 전세계를 놀라게 했던 사건이 있었습니다.
많은 분들이 걱정과 혼란 속에 블루스에 대해서는 생각할 겨를이 없으셨을지도 모르겠습니다.
하지만 이럴 때일수록 일상은 계속되어야 합니다.
바로 오늘, Blues Alive 2025의 일반 티켓 신청이 시작됩니다! (12/11 3 pm. KST)
얼리버드 티켓 입금 기한은 12월 말까지 연장됩니다. (한국인 한정)
우리 한국인들은 어려움을 겪어도 함께 문제를 고치고 빠르게 회복할 줄 아는 사람들입니다.
또한 블루스는, 삶의 고통과 아름다움을 모두 포용하며 이를 음악과 춤을 통해 서로 나누고 극복하려는 흑인 문화였음을 기억합니다.
우리는 BluesAlive 2025에서 이 둘이 어우러져 모두가 행복한 ‘블루스 축제’가 되기를 바랍니다.
Hello, this is Team Blues Friends from Seoul.
Last week, there was an affair here that shocked the world.
Many of you might have been worried and confused and had no time to think about the Blues.
However, even in this difficult time, the days of our lives must go on.
The regular registration for Blues Alive 2025 begins TODAY!(12/11 3 pm. KST)
Early bird ticket deposit deadline has been extended to the end of December.(Early bird ticket deposit deadline doesn't apply to international dancers)
We Koreans are people who know how to resolve conflicts together and recover quickly even in difficulties.
We also remember that the blues was a black culture that embraced both the pain and beauty of life and tried to share and overcome the hardships through music and dance.
We hope that these two will come together at BluesAlive 2025 to become a happy ‘blues festival’ for everyone.
To our foreign blues friends who are planning to participate in BluesAlive:
The streets of Korea are still peaceful and safe.
The Korean protest culture is very peaceful and non-violent.
We think everything will be resolved by February next year, but if there is any situation that could affect your safety, we will let you know first – This is our highest priority!
Please come to Seoul with happiness and with no concerns!